Children | Teen Braces in Kyle, TX

Build a confident future.

At The Village Orthodontics, it is our goal to provide children with a great head start on developing a lifetime of beautiful, healthy smiles through quality orthodontic treatment.

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Phase I treatment

African american female orthodontist with a child

Phase I early treatment typically begins between the ages of 6 and 10 years old. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that all children have an orthodontic evaluation by 7 years of age. Having an early consultation is the best way to ensure that your child’s growth and dental development stays on the proper track.

Indications Phase I treatment may be needed

A bite that comes together wrong can have a number of consequences like pain in the jaw, neck, and head. Others include wear of the teeth, jaw and facial skeletal malformities, and obviously crowding of the teeth. Too much spacing is also a concern.

An improper bite can be:

  • A cross-bite: When the teeth meet together, some of the upper teeth are sitting behind the lower ones, but others aren’t.
  • An underbite: The lower front teeth are in front of the upper teeth.
  • A deep bite: When closed, the upper front teeth are positioned in front of the lower front teeth.
  • An open bite: An opening remains between the top and bottom front teeth when the jaws are closed. This is most commonly seen in “thumb suckers”.
  • Often early treatment turns severe problems that might require future jaw surgery into a more moderate condition that can be treated with braces or orthodontics alone.

We look for issues like abnormal jaw growth or jaws that are not in proportion to each other, as well as severely protruding teeth, the presence of deleterious thumb, finger or tongue habits, and clefts.

two young girls laughing together with new braces

Phase II treatment

Phase I usually does not correct all final tooth and bite-related problems. Therefore, a second set of braces is needed to finish aligning the teeth and bite once your child’s mouth is closer to being fully developed. This is called Phase II (Phase Two). The process usually involves placing braces on both the upper and lower teeth, and it’s started once all the adult (permanent) teeth have erupted, usually around the age of 12.

When Phase I treatment has been successfully completed, this second orthodontic treatment phase will be reduced significantly, reflecting the benefit of the Phase I early correction. The time period for the second treatment is usually around 12 to 18 months.

Phase II braces can be completed with either Invisalign clear aligners or traditional braces. Our experienced orthodontists will recommend which option is best for your child and family’s needs.

Comprehensive (‘full’) treatment

Full treatment (also called ‘comprehensive orthodontic treatment’) usually involves placing upper and lower braces on all the teeth. Sometimes other appliances or additional treatment aids may also be utilized, depending on a patient’s individual needs. Full orthodontic treatment usually begins when all (or most) of the adult teeth are present, making it possible for orthodontists to correct the fully developed bite and align all the adult teeth. The full treatment is for those that have not previously undergone Phase I nor Phase II therapies.

Limited treatment

Limited orthodontics is a brief treatment that involves the movement of as little as one tooth. This phase uses either partial braces on some teeth or only the upper or lower teeth. The time frame can be anywhere from 3 to 9 months, but the average is six, as it’s problem-focused rather than comprehensive.

Accelerated orthodontics can be completed in preparation for other dental work like an implant or a bridge. It also works great for patients who have gone through ortho in the past but for whatever reason, some teeth have started to shift back. If just the appearance of the front teeth is the issue, limited orthodontics can be extremely useful. However, a thorough evaluation will be conducted first to ensure it is a practical option and in the best interest of your oral health.

get a healthy smile today!


Request an appointment online or give us a call. We are here to guide you through every step of the way and make your journey as pleasant and simple as possible.